We provide Pets Grooming and Daycare services with passion

Fluffy Hearts SG aims to provide your fur pals with the utmost experience, providing both reliable and rejuvenating experience for your pets.

We use only premium products that are all natural to make sure your pets feels, looks, and smells amazing.

We strive to not only provide the best service to your pet but to you, as the owner, as well. Making sure that you feel relaxed and assured of our services.


What we do

We provide many pet grooming services such as bath and fluff, basic and full grooming, spa, and daycare centre.

Pets Grooming

We only take one job at a time to make sure your fur pal come and go happy and they will receive our groomer's full attention. Our grooming uses not only Shampoo but uses Premium Shampoo, Conditioner, and Detangler.

Bath and Fluff

Bath and release of anal gland, blow drying and brushing of furs

Basic Grooming

Bath and fluff with nails cutting, ears cleaning, paw pad fur shaving, sanitary area shaving, releasing of anal gland, blow drying and brushing of furs. No fur trimming.

Full Grooming

Fur trimming and styling with basic grooming inclusive.

Daycare Centre

Free roaming and play time with friends.


Fizzy CO2 Spa

  1. Cleansing off all sticky sweat, sebum, and mineral waste.
  2. Rid of pet odour & stale fats sticking to mineral waste that gets trapped in your pet's fur coat and between the paw pads.
  3. Improves health and immunity as it helps to expand blood vessels to promote increased blood flow. Your pet's metabolism subsequently increases, resulting in improved immunity.
  4. Makes the fur coat resilient while adding volume and a silky touch to it. Negative ions make the tissue surface shiny.
  5. Ensure your pet's skin maintains an alkaline pH level.

Ayu Herb Spa

  1. Gain fluffy and shiny fur coats with 2 weeks of natural insect repelling effect.
  2. Fight against yeast infection, flaking skin, bald spots, and excessively oily skin.
  3. Contains no preservatives and chemicals.
  4. Safe for ingestion and suitable for both dogs and cats.

This is my first time trying with them, we have a bad experience on our previous groomer but Aderline is a patient and cool groomer, she has trimmed my pup so nicely and my first time seeing her smile after grooming, even our family love it so much. Definitely will go back to her again…

Jane, Mon Jan Wu

Very satisfied with Fluffy Hearts service! My dog came back home smelling fresh and clean. Adeline was super friendly and she updated me every now and then about my dog while he was in their care. Highly recommended!

Liz Marie

They observe strict hygiene standards and is a lovely place for both the pets and family. The owner is friendly too!

Wilson Ke

Disclaimers & FAQs

What happens if an injury occurs during grooming?

We want your pet's grooming to be a pleasant experience here at Fluffy Hearts SG. However, accidents can occur during grooming. Should such a misfortune happen, we will appoint a Vet of our choice to handle the matter. Depending on the severity and how much fault lies with us, we will make a capped amount of medical compensation. This compensation only covers immediate action required by the Vet. No after-care, related conditions, for example, bed sores, inflamed skin etc or follow-up will be covered. This is to protect the establishment, preventing customers from making unreasonable claims. Remember, we are only Groomers. Over-compensation by any Grooming Establishment or Groomers will only drive costs up, and in-evitable price increases, not to mention extremely unfair to the establishment or its Groomers. We are working with sharp objects on moving targets. It is never easy especially so when the pet does not co-operate. If your Pet jumps off the Grooming Table, we are not liable, as the necessary restraints are already in place. Pre-existing conditions are not covered as well. For example, a dog who has a hip problem may feel discomfort after grooming having stood for a period of time. A dog with sensitive skin or a matted coat may present skin irritation after grooming. Heart attacks can occur during or after grooming IF your pet already has a pre-existing heart condition. We cannot possibly be responsible for the results of pre-existing conditions.

What happens if my Pet injures the Groomer or any persons working for the Establishment?

A capped medical compensation depending on the severity may be required to be fair. Once a groomer is injured, he or she will not be able to work for a period of time. Always inform us if your dog is aggressive so we can be extra careful. We love animals but we do not deserve to be put in dangerous situations. A serious injury can cause a Groomer to be handicapped or maimed for life. Who will then be responsible?

Will you decline to groom my Dog?

Yes, we reserve the right to decline providing services should the situation be assessed as dangerous to the Pet or the Groomer. In situations where the Owner is unreasonable or abusive/rude, we may also decline to groom your dog.

Fluffy Hearts SG © Groomed with love